Bach Flower Essences

(585) 298-1461

Patricia A. Stewart

Pearl of Gaia

Pearl of Gaia

Bach Flower Essences

A Lifetime of Healing

A Lifetime of Healing
Patricia A. Stewart, NP, MSc, RH(AHG), BFRP

My life as a healing professional spans five decades:  as a registered nurse and then as a family nurse practitioner, in hospitals, universities and communities in the United States, as well as six years in the Himalayas of northern India and in Germany.  In 2000, I worked in Kathmandu, Nepal doing medical evacuations for the British and American embassies.  Later in my career, I discovered medical herbalism, followed by Bach Flower Remedies that has made the most profound impact on my career and my life.

The Bach Flower Essences

The Bach Flower Essences

Edward Bach was a brilliant and respected physician, immunologist, homeopath, and researcher, who spent his life searching for a simple and natural way of healing. He abandoned his successful London medical practice and devoted himself to a new system of medicine, now known as the Bach Flower Essences, or remedies, that cured illness by bringing back into balance an individual’s  underlying emotional state. He believed our physical health depends on our way of thinking, our emotions, and our feelings. He confirmed this by his personal experience and extensive research.

Dr. Bach's home, Mt. Vernon, in England


Chicory flowers

Although I am experienced and clinically trained with advanced degrees in conventional medicine, and certified in herbal therapies, I have chosen to work primarily with Dr. Bach’s system of healing.  I truly believe this gentle energetic approach can best align both mind and body.

Kind Words

Kind Words

Villager, eastern Bhutan

The grateful words of others are lovely flowers full of fragrance and color.